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Spark.Church's Fall Retreat

November 3-5, 2023

The Stories That Save Us

Spark Church Fall Retreat poster
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Spark.Church retreats are designed for the entire Spark community. Focused on centering ourselves in spiritual practices and disciplines, we will be regrounding ourselves in God's story about who we are, how we find meaning and purpose, and how we continue the work of advancing The Way of Jesus in this world.

We will have fun, play games, relax, take walks, eat good food, enjoy engaging conversation, worship and sing, and most of all, grow in our relationships with God and each other.


Our retreat location

Costanoa logo

Costanoa eco-adventure resort

2001 Rossi Rd at Hwy 1

Pescadero, CA 94060

Things to do...


  • Onsite at Costanoa: Kids playground, nature trail hikes, hike to the beach, stargazing, fun around the campfire, Costanoa guest events (bingo, tie eye craft, and others), two onsite restaurants, etc.

  • Nearby: Town of Pescadero, Pie Ranch, Harley Farms Goat Dairy, state beaches (Pigeon Point, Gazos Creek, Bean Hollow, etc.), elephant seals at Ano Nuevo State Park, etc.

  • General Store Hours: 9am  of Pescadero, Pie Ranch, Harley Farms Goat Dairy, state beaches (Pigeon Point, Gazos Creek, Bean Hollow, etc.), elephant seals at Ano Nuevo State Park, etc.

About Mark Yaconelli

Mark Yaconelli holds an MA from the Graduate Theological Union and a Graduate Diploma in the Art of Spiritual Direction from San Francisco Theological Seminary and is a writer, retreat leader, community builder, spiritual director, storycatcher, husband, and fatherHe is the founder and executive director of The Hearth. Previously, he co-founded and served as program director for the Center for Engaged Compassion where he helped develop a unique set of practices and training programs for assisting individuals, organizations, and communities in cultivating compassion.


Mark is the author of six books including Between the Listening and the Telling: How Stories Can Save Us (2022). The Gift of Hard Things (2016), Wonder, Fear, and Longing (2009) and his work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, BBC News, ABC World News Tonight, The Washington Post Online.


Mark Yaconelli portrait


“You will find Mark Yaconelli to be a wise and patient teacher with a lovely sense of humor. And if you’re anything like me, you’ll find direction and validation and a lot of truly great suggestions in his words.”

—Anne Lamott

Anne Lamott profile
Between the Listening and the Telling book cover by Mark Yaconelli

Subject to change. Final schedule to be given to retreat attendees.

Friday, November 3


4:00 - 6:00 p.m. | Arrival, Check-in / Register

6:00 p.m. | Dinner

7:00 p.m. | General Session 1

9:00 p.m. | "After-Glow" activities


Saturday, November 4


8:00 a.m. | Breakfast

9:00 a.m. | General Session 2

11:00 a.m. | Free time activities and lunch "on your own"

6:00 p.m. | Dinner

7:00 p.m. | General Session 3

9:00 p.m. | "After-Glow" activities


Sunday, November 5

8:00 a.m. | Breakfast

9:00 a.m. | General Session 4

11:00 a.m. | Free-time / Check Out

12:00 p.m. | Check Out



Deadline for Registration: October 2


How it works:

STEP 1: Register for your lodging with Costanoa.

STEP 2: Register your attendance with Spark.




The Costanoa registration allows attendees to choose lodging accommodations that suit their particular circumstances. Descriptions of the options are listed below with the different price tiers. Availability is limited and on a "first come, first served" basis, so book early!


The $279 Spark conference fee covers 4 buffet style meals, and retreat programming. (Attendees under 18 years of age are free)


Scholarships (partial and full) are available for the conference fee. Please contact to inquire.


Donations are welcome for those who are able and wish to help make attendance more readily available for other Sparkers.




Prices below refer to the entire weekend and does not include taxes. Rates change after October 2. Click the images to see the accommodations


Costanoa retreat center logo


Cypress Tent Bungalow

Bathrooms at shared Comfort Stations ($195/night)


Coastal Studio (Pet Friendly)

For 3-4 people w/own bathroom ($440/night)