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November 10, 2019

Warren Binford

4 Days In Clint

“It breaks my heart that we are living in a world today where we continue to engage in the practice of forcibly separating children from their families."

Warren Binford

The Story No Child Should Tell book cover
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And it warms my heart to be here with all of you who are coming together, both within your families,...who are celebrating the values of love, who are recognizing the history of civilization and the cruelty that we know has been committed. May you remain faithful to God and to love and to one another, because if we can do nothing else, we have an obligation to these children and families, to bear witness to them. And to give them hope, and to be a light that shines brightly, so that they will know that what they've experienced at our border, and in our government custody is no reflection of the best of humanity."

Warren Binford

Project Amplify is a national campaign launched to establish legal protections for children in government care so that the brutality discovered on the border in June never happens again. How? We are sharing the children’s stories themselves in their own words with the public in a variety of amplification events around the country that will also include experts in medicine, mental health, law, economics, immigration, human trafficking, history, social welfare and the arts starting in September 2019 and spanning the next 16 months.

  "The best of humanity is here. It’s in all of you, and in everyone who remains committed to protecting these children, and protecting these families, so we never again have another crystal night."

Warren Binford

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